Team EUI

Earthscapes Unlimited, Inc specializing in Commercial Landscaping and Civil Sitework. Our management team has a combined industry experience of over 60 years working together and has been built from the ground up working hand-in-hand with general contractors and engineers. We are ready assist you.

David Gruber
David Gruber, a California native but has lived in Florida since he was 2, has been in the construction industry for 26 years. He started in telecommunication infrastructure at an early age out of high school. David worked his way into management positions all along the way. A born leader and from an entrepreneur family, he started his own business. This small business continued on until travel was too much with a new born at home. He came back home to his mother’s small Landscape business and began using the skills and knowledge he had learned to grow that business into a thriving corporation still going today. That corporation (EUI) does Utilities, Civil Sitework, Landscape and Irrigation. They are FDOT qualified and hold a General Contractors License.